Faculty Development
As a clinical faculty member of the Larkin Hospital System, you play an integral part in training and developing future physicians who will provide care to patients over the next several decades. It is such an honor to have you provide your expertise to our residents/fellows. Words cannot express how deeply we appreciate the time and effort you provide them, our patients, and the hospital system. Thank you so much for all you do.
Larkin Health System is one of the largest statutory teaching hospitals in Florida. The accreditation institutions for teaching hospitals and residency/fellowship programs require that as faculty members you commit one hour per year of training dedicated to enhancing your knowledge in your role as a faculty member. In recognition of our commitment to you, it is our privilege to provide resources for you to enhance your knowledge in this academic endeavor. We will provide the educational training and/or resources to you at no cost as well as providing the documentation needed to verify compliance with these requirements.
We have provided online course training in which you can select how to participate. We have divided the training into 2 sections:
External programs (those provided through the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and internal programs (those developed by your faculty colleagues). We have provided an array of topics from which you can select based on your own needs and goals as a faculty member. The titles for each available program are provided to help you select the modules that align with your interests. (Insert how they will log into the module for us to track). We hope to engage faculty in this peer-to-peer learning platform. To make suggestions for topics or share one of your own, please contact draa@larkinhospital.com To get started, please review the lists of topics below and select those you wish to review.
Internal Programs
If you’re already subscribed to our Internal Programs, please log in using the button below.
Faculty Resources
- Check out MedEdPortal to access peer-reviewed materials to develop and deliver workshops for Educators.
- Check out the IHI Open School for online training materials on QI and Patient Safety.
- Check out the AMA StepsForward program for addressing Wellness.
- Check out the Trip Database and search peer-reviewed and non- peer-reviewed literature using the PICO format for practice-best-learning.